Thursday, January 29, 2009

Immigration - Day 2

We're back from Immigration in S.A. Almost finish with the passport processing, just left the picking up the passport part. Since hubbs needs to go work and I got some other engagement in the afternoon. We decided to pickup the passport tomorrow.

We went Immigration yesterday, however it was jam pack with people. I was not ready mentally & 'form' submission'ning. I like to have everything ready before hand. Even the KIPPAS (Kiosk Pembaharuan Passport) queue was long. So, I decided to pick up the forms instead and also the maids Fomema form.

Submitted everything today. Almost done. Almost......

Reyza's Mug Shot.

Yup. We took his mug shot on the same day we went to B.T.S


  1. owhh.. redza will be out of town ye??

  2. tak. Just in case . Senang nak book tiket trus. Hehehe.

  3. so cute lil boy. I like.. serious face but still cute.
