Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Member's Day Sale.

Oct 22, Jusco OU Member's Day Sale. I took leave in advance just in case my MIL wants to go. I thot probably, I could just take care of Reyza on that day. The night before, my MIL says she might not want to go as she has nothing to buy. I pun, alright. Morning-morning, as I sent Reyza to his grandma's and I thot I could go survey the sale myself. My MIL ask" Naz, Jusco , bukak pukul berapa?". "8, Ma". "Ye, ke?, Jum siap now, we go now". I'm like "Reyza, camna. Takkan tak mandi?" "Takpe, dia baby lagi, we just go first" said my MIL. That was like 730am. Bersemangat.Heheheh.. She's fickly funny. Summore she wants to bring her grandson along. Kena la ikut sekali.

Sale! Sale! Beli Semua! Buy! Buy!

The sale nuthin much. I just wanted to find out the cost for the walker. Its 30% off for members, amatlah menarik. Survey jugak harga mamypoko . (RM47.50, termurah as at Oct 22). Reyza was enjoyin his people watching wit me. Mind you, his excited to go to new places and see people running around. Tapi, bringing a baby or kids to a sale, sangat lah tidak digalakkan. I know a lot of parents have to bring their kids along probably due no baby sitter. Tapi , sangatlah kesian tengok anak itu diletak dalam trolley (kalau sorang , takpe). My entry here is not about the sale.

Its on grandparents.

I saw a lot of grandparents tagged along during the sale. Diaorang nie, Im not sure la wether they were excited to be there or wat. But I assume, they were drag there to jaga 'barang' or anak. The bench i was sitting on while waiting for my MIL was full with nenek & atuk. Semua either, pegang trolley or pegang cucu. Kesian... or ??

Saper tak mandi, angkat tangan!

IMHO , I would rather have my kids stay at home or I wouldnt have bother to go to a sale if it does not permits me to go. I wouldnt want to menyusahkan orang tua saya. Mungkin diaorang suka, tapi i saw this Chinese grandpa macam nak pengsan (jusco sesak and sempit). Shouldnt we as kids be considerate towards our parents? Murah sangat ke sale itu sampai nak kena bawak 'extra' orang nak jadi tukang jaga. The sale was full with adults, kids, baby, maids, etc. I think some parents even let their children to cut school for the day. Reason? Tolong jaga barang. (Yes , I heard 2-3 girls who had bumped into each other).

Adekah gila-gila sale di Malaysia, merosakkan etika kita ? Renungkanlah.....

(Mengapa entri start english ends Malay?. Tibai je la for today)


  1. wah... shopin2.. beh tue....suke2..

    x sangka je, browse pnya browse jelajah blog kengkwn... mama terjumpa blog mama reyza gak.. sama laks kita,hehe... tomei reyza!!

    harap2 mamaREDZHA leh terus berkwn & berbloging bersama mama Reyza..hehe!!

    exchange link ya!! nnti kite add awk yer!!

  2. tembam betol si comel nih, kalau auntie jumpa nak peluk2 bleh....

  3. mamaredzha : thanx for bloghoppin. will link u up soon!

    yaya : Reyza kata... "nak!" hahahhaha
