Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Changing bottles.

After procastinating for to long , plus considering wether I have enuff budget to buy new sets of feeding bottle. Hubbs & me finally made our way to OU, Jusco last night to grab some BPA- Free bottles.I knew about this issue after I have finish my confinement.

However, at that time I have already bought several 4oz bottles to be used by Reyza. And now, since these bottles have shown some deterioration signs, I have to buy new bottles to replace the old ones. But in Malaysia, the selection itself is so limited. The nice looking ones cost a bomb for just one bottle! Mak takda duit. I mean, its for the best health for our kids but I think we should at least find other alternatives which suits our pocket. Takkan nak berhutang demi botol susu?

Botol yang telah dipencenkan

For those unfamiliar with BPA. A glossary from SafeMama - Bisphenol-A (Bis-fen-ol) - Bisphenol A (BPA) is a hormone-mimicking chemical used in polycarbonate plastic resins, epoxy resins, and other products. It is most commonly used in baby bottles or any type of hard shatterproof plastic containers. It is also found in the lining of canned goods, plastic wrap and other household plastics. Bisphenol has estrogenic properties which, in animal tests has shown to cause a bevy of health problems such as an increase in prostate and breast cancer, uro-genital abnormalities in male babies, a decline in semen quality in men, early onset of puberty in girls, metabolic disorders including insulin-resistant (Type 2) diabetes and obesity and neurobehavioral problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Research is showing that when plastic containers, mostly those used to hold liquids and foods, are leeching Bisphenol into the foods and liquids they are holding. Heating food and liquids with these plastics is shown to increase the leeching of this contaminate.

Malaysian made BPA-Free bottles are already available on the shelves by Pureen. Design dia, so-so. If you wanna know how it looks like, look here

But last wednesday after browsing tru several brands of bottles I finally found this. This actually looks plain but I like. Ia nampak 'bersih' & 'simple. Plus, it fits my budget. If you wanna know more about BPA, go read here.


  1. i heard bout evenflo BPA-free bottles before tp xpernah jumpa kat store. how much does it cost? kat jusco ade ke?

  2. to fatiyahh.
    ada. MYR 39.00 for 3 bottles. Kalau sebijik MYR 19.00. Takda diskaun, best price. huhuhuh.
