Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hanna first road trip to J.P.O.

Last weekend we all went on a family trip down to Johore Baharu. It was a an imprompt to trip but everyone went on the trip, Abah, Mama and me my brother of course, also Akee, Nanee, Auntie Ya and Nana...yaaayyy!!!
J.P.O. on a lovely Saturday Morning

Abah drove a big white car. It looked like a spaceship!!! it had everything inside, a TV, a mini fridge and even a personal DVD/game system (which Reyza hogged) at the back. Although Hanna Jasmine slept some of the time she was enjoying sitting in the MPV for her very first Road trip.

The white "Spaceship"

J.P.O. was the real deal, with all the brands that you would know about from leather goods, sports, accsessories and watches most of them are here and some of the prices are really way lower than the prices in KL.

Nanee, Auntie Yaa, Akee, abah and mama bought a bunch of of stuff like watches, bags and shoes. Even Kak Nana bought herself a brand new watch :)

Although there is not much stuff for the kids, I am sure that Hanna Jasmine would want to go there again in a couple of years time.

Thank you to all that made the trip possible. Thank you Nanee, Akee, Tiya!!! :)

 Abah... bila nak balik...


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