Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reyza's Red Carpet Entrance

Sorry for the lacked of update. We've been too engrossed with Reyza's latest milestone, his been in cruising mode since last week.

Eversince than, every morning we put on his shoes (usually,we just scoop him up) and Reyza would than walk out from the house and into the lift (off course not by himself). In the lift, he would walk back and forth as if he was the ball in the pinball machine. Pening! Once he got out from the lift, Reyza would walk steadily and attract passerby with his cute'sy walk style and smiling away. That's his new routine.

And last Sunday, the 4 of us attended the wedding of my 1st cousin from my father's side. Reyza made his red carpet entrance to the wedding. Everyone, was asking where is the baby.I said "What baby, anak bujang dah besar panjang dah. Tengah berjalan situuuu" I pointed out.

Rasa sebak juga as I see him walking and trying to understand whats going on. He's growing up so fast. He was so curious with his surrounding as this is considered his first extended family gathering . Just check him out..

"This is how we do the walk!"

"Where's the parrrty mom?!"

"Hewooo! I'm down here. Can't u guys see me?"

"Hello, adek manis, datang ngan cik abang ka?"

While waiting for the groom to arrived, we waited outside the hall as Reyza has shown his restless mood. The 'kompang' boys was outside practicing their beat away. Reyza was so curious, he just walk towards them and join in. *sigh* So cute la this fella.

"brader, tumpang main"

"brader, ni menatang ape ni"

"beli satu, dapat 1 free ke?"

I can't wait to hear this lil fella to start talking. Must be damn cute! ARgh!!! Geram. I wonder when that day will be.

Congrats again to my cousin ita & her hubby, wadi.

'Selamat Pengantin Baru'.


  1. amboi bersungguh reyza main kompang... nnti leh wat band..hehee

    tombam arr dia...geram jer, cam nak cubit2...
