Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Morning Activities

Hi, everyone! Eversince, I was able to walk independently I have given my parents a run for their lives! I'm getting adjusted to this walking thing. I think its great that I am able to get from point A to point B in 2 seconds!! :) . I don't think my parents are enjoying the running around, but I think excersize is good for them. Don't you think so mom?????

Enjoy the pics below.

Catch up on daily dose of super sle.uths.

Watcha doin' mama!?

Yawn,when are we goin out?

This is our lift to the penthouse condo

Mama,when can I drive this? (Another 17 years, son..)

What's my plan today,hmmm.

Arn't u suppose 2 b at work by now, mom?..

Hi, bang Raeef. Can I borrow your bike? Lets ride around the block

Where can I go from here?

Clothes, sponsored by her. TQ Auntie!

Well thats all from me. Be seeing you all again soon!